Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Hail to the King (baby)

When with the gorram socialists figure out that the way to get rid of something is not to ban it?

Look, I pity Charles, I really do. In the whole DI-Charles split thing, I was with him all the way. I know, I know. Not a popular thing to do.

Hell, I felt bad for him with the whole Camilla thing, too. He should be able to remarry at this point without a lot of garbage.

Yet, here's something Charles and the other socialists don't realize, or aren't willing to admit: forbidding remarriage and forbidding McDonald's aren't that much different. The point with both is government interference in personal choices. Both are wrong. Both are over-extensions of government power.

Makes you glad our forefathers could stand to live without tea for a little while. Otherwise, Charles might be our king with this woman as queen.

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