Tuesday, February 12, 2008



and Angie's

See you after the convention. Maybe.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Short and Sweet.

Just like my wife.

Sorry, honey. Hey, at least I linked to you!

I've spent several days thinking about it, and I've decided that Bob's Blog will, indeed, continue.

However, I wanted to let my vast audience of 5 (you know who you are) know that I'm taking the week off of Bob's Blog. When I come back next Monday, February 11, 2008, look for a totally revamped site. We'll still hit politics and social issues, but I'm going to try some new and different (and hopefully exciting) things.

Until then,


Friday, February 01, 2008

Changing Directions

So, I've spent some reading my old posts and thinking about this blog, what I'm doing with it exactly, and where it's headed. A few compelling points and questions come to mind:

  • I'm spending waaaay too much time on Primary Politics;
  • I hate Hillary too much (see yesterday's post);
  • Most of my readers, unless you know me in real life, don't necessarily know what my views are;
  • By way of disclosure, I owe it to you to talk about those views some;
  • There are a lot of politics blogs; many are more insightful and better written;
  • What compels someone to read this blog? What makes it unique? What makes it valuable to the reader?
  • What compels me to write this blog, other than hearing my own thoughts?

I'm going to spend the weekend refocusing my thoughts. I think there's definitely the potential for something here; I think it just needs to be narrowed quite a bit.

Wish me luck!