Taking a day off from news, elections, politics, and the like, I'd like to make a few arbitrary declarations. These are some of the deep down ideological secrets I carry with me, the ones that compel me to turn on Hannity or Rush, those evil little voices inside of me that say, "Go ahead, talk to your wife about politics. Deep down, she enjoys it." So, here we go:
- I always find myself voting for the underdog, at least in the primaries. Whether it's Alan Keyes or Fred Thompson, it just sort of winds up that way. Not sure why. At lest I'm not a Rudy guy this year, things just don't look good for America's Mayor.
- My knowledge of economic theory is shallow, at best. I know what I need to know about economics to study history, and that's about it. Milton Friedman was convincing enough that, once I found him, I didn't feel the need to go any further.
- I'm OK with having shallow knowledge of economic theory. Econ majors were always a little bit odd in college. And, I'm a historian, not an economist.
- There are two people that it literally pains me to hear on the radio or see on TV: Jesse Jackson and Bill Clinton. Presidential prayer breakfasts were especially difficult in that 1990s.
- Like many people, I'm done hearing about Britney. Time for her to OD, so we can all get on with our lives.
- I shouldn't say that; it isn't Britney's fault that these bastard news editors keep putting her in the headlines. Maybe it's time for them to OD.
- I do like more Girl Rock than other music right now. Not sure what that says about me. I like to think it just says, "Dad of 3", but that may be wishful thinking.
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