Monday, February 19, 2007

OK, so... as I understand it, it goes like this:

  1. Boy likes to watch Band of Brothers.
  2. Parents throw WWII-themed birthday party
  3. Other parents throw a hissy fit, declare it inappropriate.

I played toy guns, toy swords, toy anything when I was a kid. I'm not particularly a violent person. Statistically speaking, most guys my age played with toy guns. We watched Rambo at 13 years old or younger. Yet we're not yearning for war.

But, if our nation is attacked, we believe it ought to be defended. And, if the whole world believes that a nation whose leaders sympathize with those that attacked us has WMDs, we believe it ought to be put out of business, whether or not we find the WMDs (after all, Iraq is a desert the size of California - there are lots of places to bury things).

And, it's endemic. The fact of the matter is that, at one time not that long ago, roughly 3/4 of Americans believed we were doing the right thing in Iraq. Now, that's more like 1/3 or a little more. People have just plain been worn down by the liberal media's anti-war agenda. I'm sorry, but when more people believe Michael Moore than Don Rumsfeld, something is seriously wrong.
Meanwhile, my congressman is worried about further regulating peanut butter manufacturer, and saying that salmonella in a few batches of PB means that our security is at risk.

On top of that, Nancy Pelosi is appointing bribe-taking congressman to the house homeland security committee. Oh, and she's also declared the War Powers Act invalid, all by herself.

She is third in line for the presidency.

If we aren't bombed to the fracking stone age by Iran in 20 years, I will be thoroughly surprised.

I think maybe I get it now. The Democrats and liberals are so set on this global warming thing that they're just going to get us all blown up to save us from the disasterous effects of global warming.

Maybe Bush will have the guts to just nuke the moon on his last day in office before Hillary takes over.

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