Thursday, March 01, 2007

You've GOT to be kidding me.

Mike Adams has an interesting piece at today.

It amazes me what goes on in the name of intellectual freedom. Like I said before, there ought to be few limits on the freedom of speech. It comes down to the issues of relatively minor violations of the law (in the case of libel) or relatively major ones (in the case of treason).

So, would you think that someone who provides training manuals and videos to our enemies would be guilty of treason? Apparently not in Ohio. There, they let you teach at Kent State.

This guy needs to be arrested publicly (not in the middle of the night, like the Taliban would do), given a fair trial (unlike what would have occured under Saddam), and given a death sentence (Via a relatively painless lethal injection, unlike Nick Berg's death sentence) if convicted of giving aid and comfort to our enemies.

Can anyone honestly defend this guy? I'd love to hear anyone try it. Please. Five bucks (via Paypal) to anyone with even a slightly reasonable argument.

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