I'm not saying I'm the best father in the world. To be sure, I try to be. I make sure that my kids have a roof over their heads and food on the table. I take an active role in their education. I try to encourage their skills and their interests, and I try to look after their health concerns. I love my kids.
Yeah, I can be grumpy. Moody, even, my wife would say. There have been times, as a parent, that I've used harsher words than what fit the situation. In fact, if I have one major weakness as a parent, this is probably it. So, please believe me when I say up front that I really do know what it is like to overreact, and to say things that you don't entirely mean to your kids.
But Alec Baldwin is out of his freaking mind. On top of that, he is a self-important jackass whose parental rights need to be, at the very least, reexamined. Part of his two-minute tirade on his daughter's voicemail goes like this:
“I don't give a damn that you're 12 years old or 11 years old, or a child,
or that your mother is a thoughtless pain in the ass who doesn't care about what
you do.”
Hear the audio here.
Now, if Imus deserved to be fired for saying "nappy-headed ho's," NBC had best be dropping 30 Rock like a bad habit. This jackass threatened his own daughter, at least two different times telling her he'd "straighten her out."
I don't know what Baldwin's problem is. I don't know if it's drugs, mental illness, or if he's just evil. Part of me thinks that whatever it is about Baldwin that makes him do this is responsible, at least in part, for his out-there political views. At this point, however, I don't really give a damn what his problem is. I'd just like to see him face the consequences of his actions in court, and to lose his public soapbox.
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